My colleague Salina did ordered some from me yesterday over our lunch kat Sogo. Dia nak theme new year... then ada lip, shoes (teeet... sorry sally I failed la bab lukis2 nih!)... Since she's on leave today to celebrate new year with her friends from Sarawak, kena la hantar delivery man I ke Hartamas... (sorry yer bie... menyusahkan you...)

My 3rd set was actually for my boss kids. It was bought by Kak Suzie (Ms. Secretary) for him. I've heard he said that his kids likes pink so much, so I decokan cuppies dia sumer ala2 pink juga. Except for the princess & Barbie characters. Sorry babies, aunty still in learning progress. Still dont know how to draw your lovely barbies doll on your cuppies. Maybe some other time okay girls...

Yang last set ni, extra cuppies for fast sale... Sajer nak test market at my office. Hehehe, easy with an email... betul kata CIMB Just a click away... Terus dah ada taker... Thanks Kak Yud. Dia nak bawa balik kampung malam ni. Safe journey...

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year!
Yun Isqandar
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