Alhamdulillah, ada juga masa nak update posting ni sikit. Just got back from Kuantan (office stuff!). Amik kesempatan update blog ni sikit2.
First and foremost the order from my sis for her friend b'day. Theme kuning with yellow rosses. I only managed to find greeny one. Heard b'day girld heppi sangat! Thanks Asyu & Happy B'day Ami!

The cartoons characters cupcake ni was ordered by one of my loyal customer. Kak Suzie... (thanks for your support sis!). It was for her kids and makan2 session with her family for that weekend. Tak berapa satisfy on the design. So far never heard any -ve response from customer... I assumed, ok ler tu...

This was ordered by my Matriculation colleague. Tokeh tupperware ni... (my anor usahawan yang berjaya buddy). Ordered Chocolate moist cupcakes for Mother's Day... Thanks Jue... Lepas ni jangan lupa order lagi sini ek!

This was sample for those cuppyholic out there! Hahahaha... Found the new boxes from shop and bought a few for samples. It was so nice & I think kalau letak cupcake solo size M or L, is perfectly match. Sapa2 nak quotation price untuk special delivery ke, special order ke... At any flavor and design, just YM or SMS me ok! Sure leh discuss price punya. ;)

This cake was ordered from Kak Bie. I'm sure you all kenal... Chocolate Indulgence to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom at Wangsa Maju... Hehehe... Tiup lilin dengan baju kelawar dia jer... Qayyum Isqandar (my son) surprised me with his handcraft that he made at school. OMG... I was touched! He said he really loves me and gave me such a big hug! I love you too sayang... and to Qaleesya Izzara and Qayyiem Isnabeel too! Love you all so much!

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