Todays order was made by Kak Lyle (repeated... thankx Kak Lyle). Nak fancy faces ala2 Cikgu Bedah dalam Adik Manja... Hmm... susah juga la nak pk... So, takut juga tersasul buat, saya cuma deco kan very simple face impression with name written on every faces tu... Ok juga la, tapi cuma rasa terkilan sebab tak dapat tunaikan permintaan pelanggan. Vanilla based with buttercream frosting. Happy Besday to those yang sambut B'day ok! To Che Rusnah, masih belum terlewat to wish you SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU ok!!!

Final one, was made for Kak Aishah of Ambank. For makan-makan kart opis. Enjoy!

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