This cake was repeated order by Ms. Secretary of the company... Kak Lyle (thanks for your support sis!) and was for her beloved boss (eh yer ker Kak Lyle? hehehehe). Alhamdulillah, it was done completely by 6 o'clock in the morning....! Hwaaa... Meaning no zzzzZZZZZzzzzz last night! Triple nantookkksss la hari ni nampaknyer... But I knew there will be so much fun in the office today... Because tomorrow is a public holiday!!! Yahooooo!!! Back to the birthday cake and the birthday boy ok! The birthday boy is our one and only CEO of the company... So Kak Lyle buat special request. I really hope the cake has meet your expectation yer sis! Otherwise... Soweeyyyy... To our CEO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!

The second cupcake was ordered by Dang Fareeha for her friend's engagement in Pahang. Nak buat makan-makan je... Tapi nak theme merah putih. Hope that you like it! Selamat bertunang!

The last cuppies set ni, dibuat khas untuk staff Ambank Menara Dion yang dah lama menunggu nak merasa cuppies saya ni... Hehehehe, sowey yer geng, tak da masa laaaa.... Apa lagiii... Jom la order beramai-ramaiiiiii.... To Kak Aisyah, thanks again!

Selangor seems like a fun town.