Taraaaa... Here you go... My first edible image cake ever (first time buat basket wave... dah tak ikut formular yang macam Kak Lea ajar tu, SORRY TEACHER... sebab dah nantoksss sangat... 5.30 in the morning beb! What do you aspect... Huhuhu...). Ordered by Kak Fazlina of FWU (ex-officemate yang comei tuu...). Mintak buatkan something nice for her girls's 6th birthday. According to Kak Fazlina, the girl adored Disney's princesses so much! Sebab tu order edible image kek princesses... The edible image which is done by Mama Lea Oven (thanks Kak Lea, you're a life saver sis!) was so nice... Sayangnyer nak tempek atas kek tu pagi tadi... Huhuhuhu... (boleh ke??!!!) Untuk Adlin Sofea's 6th birthday, made for her a lovely moist butter cake with strawberry flavor buttercream (rasanya macam tak berapa nak rasa la... sori yer Kak Fazlina, baru first time try ni... next time mesti kaw punyer). Harap-harap Kak Fazlina sempat bagi big surprise to her daughter pagi ni... To Adlin Sofea... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Kita kongsi zodiac la.... GO PIECES....

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