Last week terima order dari Kak Yus. Dia buat special request. Since her daughter's birthday just around the corner, dia mintak saya buat mini cuppies sesuai for kids. So, puasla mencari cupcake casing yang sesuai kart Yummies Bangi. Alhamdulillah.. Berjaya gak jumpa. Sebab agak busy kart tempat kerja, buat simple deco sahaja. Mujur si ibu tak la berapa nak demand ek! (hehehe). To Athirah... Happy 7th Birthday darling... (To Athirah's mama... Stay cute & cunnnn....)

Yang ni pulak was meant for my son's kindergarten. Sedari pagi dia mintak. Buat la juga. Since all the teachers pun dah tahu yang Qayyum Isqandar's umi is a cuppiholic!
Happy eating!

Thanks kerana terima order Kak Yus... puas hati anak2ku tu... baca la citer pasal kek tu kat my blog...