Macam biasa ada extra for fast sale... (Not really actually). My mum going back to hometown today. Saja nak temankan ayah katanya... (Uish tak boleh berenggang langsung!). So I baked extra Golden Raisin Walnut Cupcake with Chery for her to take along. Kira-kira cukup lak untuk satu kotak lagi, so buat simple deco for fast sale... To takers, thanks a lot... Saya jual yer... Lain kali order la lagi k!

Untuk kerja-kerja malam tadi, terlupa perut lapar tak terisi... Huih, lastly, i paid myself a cold & nice hot chocolate-iced (macamana tu??? belasah jer la...) Tak ada jual kart memana ni... Cuma di Yun Little Kitchen...

Last but not least, since tomorrow is the day to celebrate LOVE... Happy celebrating to those who celebrate... But for those yang celebrate hari-hari tu... Alhamdulillah... Moga bahagia ke akhir hayat. Amin.
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