Whent it comes to mum's favor, mulalah tak sedap jerk hati ni nak tolak order... Huhuhu... Atas sebab2 tertentu dia tak dapat hadir ke beberapa majlis jemputan 'teman2 baik'nyer kart area umah tu... So, she asked me to baked 3 sets of Carrot Walnut Cupcakes with different theme. Wahahaha... Bila dia tanyer berapa sumer sekali ni, saya cuma mampu tersengih! What shud i say then... Demimu ibu tersayang! Hahahaha... Pagi tadi masa deliver, senyum sampai ke telinga tengok menantu bawak cuppies yang di order. Bytheway... Thanks for ordering ok!
p/s: Mama Asyu, I hope you enjoy the extra cuppies with special cream cheese frosting tu ok! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEAR!!!! Mmmmmuuuaaaahhhh

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