The cuppies was ordered by Baby Mirzan's mom, Puan Marlina last week for his 'Aqiqah and Cukur Jambul Ceremony this coming Saturday. Alhamdulillah... Managed to accomplished the mission by 2a.m. Cuma rasa tak puas hati sebab special request from the mother tak dapatlah nak ditunaikan. Sorry yer Marlina, feel like i will smudge the cute cupcakes if i put nama baby accross all cuppies. Itu pun lepas i tested 1 of the cuppies. Macam dah tak cute pulak rasanya. So i just let it be. Feel so sorry about that. Maybe Baby Mirzan's Mom & Dad will find the way camner nak letak nama baby later ok!
Insya'Allah, kalau tiada aral melintang sampailah kami ke Shah Alam tu. Thanks for the invitation!

Dah siap individual packing and dah susun dalam kotak (zillion thanks to Mr. Hubby for your hand! trust me, it really help!)

My first try buat botol susu ni... Hmm...

Model kereta apa dah jadi ni, wolkswagon ke? perodua ke? proton pun ada gak tu... Swift ada tak? hehehehe